How to get off the college waitlist

A waitlist means you have neither been accepted nor rejected into a school. However, if a spot opens up you MAY get accepted. Unlike a rejection where you are sure you don’t stand a chance to get into a school, a waitlist may be pretty confusing as it poses great uncertainty to one. Below are a few tips that may help you get off a college waitlist; if you are lucky enough!


Once you have been offered a spot in the waitlist, it is important to decide if you want to accept it or decline it. Take some time to reflect on the pros and cons that come with rejecting or accepting it. It is advisable that you think about this after your mind is clear of the fact that you have not been accepted. Once you are sure that you want to stay on the waitlist, then you can go ahead and accept that spot.

Letter of Continued Interest

After accepting your spot in the waitlist, start thinking about writing a letter to demonstrate continued interest. You may not know much about this letter, and it is therefore important that you look it up on the internet and find tips on how to come up with a good letter. In the letter, you are basically explaining why the school should take you, and why you are a good fit for the school, together with the benefits you would add to the school. Even as you write this letter, write it with utter enthusiasm. 

Extra Activities, Letters of Recommendation and Resume

Extra activities would go a long way to get you off a waitlist. If you have taken part in any activities between the application and decision period, you could submit the activities to the school. You could also get an extra letter of recommendation from an employer, mentor or advisor. If you have taken any job before the decisions, you may also update your resume and submit an updated version.

Request an Interview

If the school gives interviews, you could request another interview. This will be an opportune time to further bolster their confidence in you. Therefore, prepare for that interview adequately. Look up resources on the internet that may help you and consult with your college mentors and counselors. However, if your school does not give you an interview, then that is not a problem at all on your side. Maybe the school did not have adequate time to conduct interviews, or they did not have enough interviewers. There is no cause for alarm if you have not been given an interview.

Have a back-up plan

You should have a fall back plan in the event that you are not gotten off the waitlist. If you have been offered admission spots at other schools, it is important to accept them as you await your waitlist decisions. That way, even if you are not off the waitlist, joining college will still be a guarantee. However, if you do not have any acceptance, it is important to start brainstorming solutions for the problem at hand.

How to deal with college rejections


The worst that can happen to one when opening college decisions is a rejection. That moment when you do not see the word “congratulations” or fail to see some colorful confetti popping on your screen may throw you completely off guard. At that moment, all you will be thinking about is the rejection, the mistakes you may have made during the application and even second guessing yourself. For some people, it may even feel like that is the end of their educational journey. In actual sense, that is not always the end of the journey, but rather part of it.


After being rejected, motivational quotes are the last thing you want to hear at that point. Well, for some people that may work, but for most people, at the very first moment when they realize they have been rejected, that will not be what they actually want. I think it is best if you take some time for yourself and allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come with a rejection. It is okay to feel sad and angry about it. Allowing yourself to feel the emotions is very important because that way, the emotions won’t bottle up and get you to a breaking point.

Treat this process of healing from a rejection as though you are healing from some sort of grief, and go through all the necessary stages.


It is important to realize that rejection has nothing to do with you. It does not reflect  on your personal capabilities or worth. On the contrary, the schools do not think you are not good enough. They deem you as an incredible and amazing student. The only problem is that they could not accept everyone who applied. Every year, thousands and thousands of students apply, but schools accept a very small class size due to limited facilities. Reaffirm yourself that you are good enough, and that it has nothing to do with you, but them. Do this over and over again, until you move on from it.


Find a support system during that low moment of your life. It could be family, friends or random people on the internet. A strong support system will help you get past this. If you are the type of person that talks, talk through it with someone you want. It will make you feel better and relieved of some sad emotions. Remember, you have every right to choose the kind of support system you want. It does not have to be family. You can choose whoever you want to lean on for support. It does not have to be your family. Feel free to seek help outside. Sometimes someone who is not family may end up being more useful than you would think.


As you seek help from other people, you could also help yourself by doing a few things that will distract you from thinking about the rejection for sometime. Go out with friends, watch movies, eat good food, listen to some good music, read a book and so on. Just do something you love. Something that will make you forget about the rejection for a moment.

We take lessons from rejections. They are not supposed to be considered failures, but rather life experiences that gave you lessons. Therefore, once you have gotten over it, dust yourself off, pick up yourself and move on!

So you got accepted, what next?


The first thing you will definitely do is to celebrate once you have been accepted. Take that moment and reflect on that major achievement and feel good about it.

You could follow this by following the social media accounts of the school or schools you have been accepted into. This is important because sometimes schools communicate through these platforms, and you do not want to miss out on anything. And yes, you can also update your instagram bio. If you cannot clap for yourself, who will?

Read through your financial aid award letter to understand the terms and conditions of the offer before accepting it. It is important to do this keenly in order to make well-informed decisions. If you do not understand some parts, do not shy off from emailing the financial aid offices for clarity. This will save you a lot from making blind decisions that you may regret in the future. Assuming you did not read through your offer, and you just accepted it, you may realize that your financial aid award entailed a student loan later on in life! Imagine a scenario where you have just gotten your first job, and you realize that you have a student loan to offset. That is definitely going to be a rude shock to you! And student loans are not so good, they may cripple your financial progress sometimes.

If you feel like the financial aid award you have gotten is not enough, you can go ahead and appeal. Ask questions from people who have done this before to inquire how you are supposed to go about it.

It is important to sign up for virtual campus events such as advising meetings, club meetings and even virtual campus tours. Attend the International Students’ Online Orientation as well. You will realize that all the information you get from these sessions will prove to be very helpful when navigating through campus life. Moreover, you will be able to connect with future classmates and even dorm mates on some of these events. They are worth every second of your time.

School websites only publish what they want you to hear. They will only post the good things about the school. If you really want to get to know what the school is like, then ask students with lived experiences in the school. They will be more realistic with you. Go to those social media pages and look up for students who have gotten into the schools and ask them what their experiences look like. That way, you will have a little touch with reality. The experiences may vary from person to person, but be assured that you will get a hint of what it is like to be a student in a particular school.

Lastly, do your own research on the internet. Go to the school’s website and find out things about the school. Read the schools’ magazines and other publications. Go to youtube and watch videos made by college youtubers in those schools. You will get a better picture of what life looks like in a particular school. You will learn a lot of things by just typing a line of text on the search bar.


Before the May 1st deadline, remember to make a decision and commit to a school of your choice. Do your thorough research on all the schools you have been accepted into and make the best decision. One of the worst feelings a person can possibly live with is regret.

How to decide which college to Attend

Selecting a school you want to attend can be a very daunting task, especially if several schools have offered you admission offers. Below are a few factors you could consider as you settle on a school that is best for you.

1. Financial aid offer

As an African Student, studying in the US may be expensive. The financial aid award a school extends to you is therefore very paramount. It is advisable to settle for the school that offers full aid. Selecting a school that will prove to be a financial burden to your family is not a great choice to make. Moreover, try as much as possible to avoid a school that gives you loans to cover your tuition fees. If at all it is important that you take up the financial aid offer that has a loan included, then pay keen attention to things like the interest rates when you are in college and after college. Because your education is an investment, you could also evaluate the Return On Investment and decide whether accepting the loan is the best option for you.

2. Major Specific Ranking

If you have already decided on the major you want to pursue, it is important to consider a school’s major specific ranking before selecting it. Major specific ranking is always based on the professors, research opportunities, academic resources  and even the amount of funding allocated to a specific major. Selecting a school that is known for the major you want to attend presents you with more opportunities after college because you will get the best knowledge and skills in that particular major

3. Extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities greatly influence one’s social life in college. If you are the type of student that is heavy on the activities you take part in,then it is important to heavily consider this before making a choice. Choose a school that will give you a platform to exploit your full potential in whatever you are interested in or gifted in.For instance, if you have a penchant for playing instruments, then choose a school that has a well-known orchestra. An orchestra that will give you a chance to grow your talent and make it meaningful.

4. Semester Organization and curriculum

A school’s semester organization is an important factor to consider when selecting a school. Some schools operate on the fall and spring semester system while others operate on a quartet system. Somehow, the system you select has a direct effect on your study habits, and sometimes even your social life. Therefore, you should know the kind of person you are, what works best for you and the type of system you would thrive in best.


Depending on your goal, a school’s curriculum may be good or bad for you. While some schools have an open curriculum that gives students an opportunity to select the courses they want to take, others have restrictions. Look at this factor well and know what you actually want.

5. Community

This is another important factor a student should consider before selecting a school. As an African student, you will realize that more often than not, you will predominantly be a minority. It is important to select a school that has a community which embraces diversity and does not make you feel odd. Beware of the place where you are going, and choose a place with your people. A place where you will encounter minimal to zero discrimination. Your mental and emotional well being greatly contribute to your academic success.

6. Location and prices of things outside campus

A school’s location will determine the weather you will experience, your social life and the living standards. For instance, schools in the North Eastern side have harsh winters, and you will have to brace yourself for that in the event that you settle for that which is located there. Most schools with international students are in the North Eastern. Schools on the West Coast have fewer international students, and you may feel a little bit lonely if you are the type of person that enjoys being around people of your kind.

It is a popular opinion that cities have more expensive lives compared to rural areas. That also applies to universities. Schools in the rural and suburbs have slightly lower living expenses compared to schools in the hearts of cities. Therefore, depending on your financial capabilities, you can choose one that is located in a place you can live without having to worry about finances.

How to prep for college applications as a high schooler

As a high school student who is interested in studying from the US, it is very difficult to know where you should start from. It is also not easy for one to know what they are expected to do in high school in preparation for college applications. Below are a few tips that will help you get ready for college applications right from high school!

  1. Maintaining good grades throughout high school- grades are an important aspect of your application. It is therefore paramount that you strive to maintain good grades all the way- right from your first year in high school. If your grades took a nosedive at some point, it is important that you start working on them so that they can go up, and maintain them at the top.
  2. Extra-curricular activities- participate in activities you are passionate about. This way, you will be able to build a stellar activities profile that will make your application outstanding. If you are interested in a particular area of study, have activities that show involvement and passion in a field. That way, you will not just tell, you will also show.
  3. Leadership positions- while in high school, be sure to take up some leadership opportunities in clubs and initiatives. This will demonstrate leadership qualities- a needed aspect in applications. Moreover, it will show investment and involvement in particular activities.
  4. Passion projects- these are basically activities you can take part in outside school, during holidays especially. For instance, you can volunteer as a tutor or an assistant in a hospital. Even as you choose a passion project, ensure that it is impactful.
  5. Community service- giving back to your community and society should be clearly seen in your applications. You could volunteer as a paramedic, a caregiver at a children’s home and so on. The schools want to see the profound positive impact you have had in your community.
  6. Have good relationships with your teachers- this may not make a lot of sense when you are in high school, but once you start your applications, this will resonate with you so much. A good relationship with your teachers will come in handy when you need letters of recommendation. A good relationship with a teacher means they know you well, and they will therefore write you elaborate and detailed letters of recommendation.
  7. Research on the internet- if you are a beginner who does not have a clue on what the whole US application process entails, then your first step should be researching on the internet. Look up college youtubers and learn more about the college application process. That way, you will be well informed of what is expected of you before you delve into the process. Look at university websites and learn more about schools. Google has a million and one answers to all your college application questions. You could even go ahead and email college youtubers asking them questions and seeking clarity where there is ambiguity. Doing this while in high school will make the whole process a smooth sail for you.
  8. Open a gmail and LinkedIn account- when I talk about a gmail account, I am talking about a gmail account that is official and respectable. It could have your names and a number if one with your names is taken. You don’t want to email schools asking questions with very unofficial emails. A linkedIn account is important because you will be able to connect with people in a more professional way over this platform. You can connect with current students in the universities and even Admissions Officers. Connecting with them means you can even have conversations with them asking questions about specific aspects of the college application process.