As a high school student who is interested in studying from the US, it is very difficult to know where you should start from. It is also not easy for one to know what they are expected to do in high school in preparation for college applications. Below are a few tips that will help you get ready for college applications right from high school!

  1. Maintaining good grades throughout high school- grades are an important aspect of your application. It is therefore paramount that you strive to maintain good grades all the way- right from your first year in high school. If your grades took a nosedive at some point, it is important that you start working on them so that they can go up, and maintain them at the top.
  2. Extra-curricular activities- participate in activities you are passionate about. This way, you will be able to build a stellar activities profile that will make your application outstanding. If you are interested in a particular area of study, have activities that show involvement and passion in a field. That way, you will not just tell, you will also show.
  3. Leadership positions- while in high school, be sure to take up some leadership opportunities in clubs and initiatives. This will demonstrate leadership qualities- a needed aspect in applications. Moreover, it will show investment and involvement in particular activities.
  4. Passion projects- these are basically activities you can take part in outside school, during holidays especially. For instance, you can volunteer as a tutor or an assistant in a hospital. Even as you choose a passion project, ensure that it is impactful.
  5. Community service- giving back to your community and society should be clearly seen in your applications. You could volunteer as a paramedic, a caregiver at a children’s home and so on. The schools want to see the profound positive impact you have had in your community.
  6. Have good relationships with your teachers- this may not make a lot of sense when you are in high school, but once you start your applications, this will resonate with you so much. A good relationship with your teachers will come in handy when you need letters of recommendation. A good relationship with a teacher means they know you well, and they will therefore write you elaborate and detailed letters of recommendation.
  7. Research on the internet- if you are a beginner who does not have a clue on what the whole US application process entails, then your first step should be researching on the internet. Look up college youtubers and learn more about the college application process. That way, you will be well informed of what is expected of you before you delve into the process. Look at university websites and learn more about schools. Google has a million and one answers to all your college application questions. You could even go ahead and email college youtubers asking them questions and seeking clarity where there is ambiguity. Doing this while in high school will make the whole process a smooth sail for you.
  8. Open a gmail and LinkedIn account- when I talk about a gmail account, I am talking about a gmail account that is official and respectable. It could have your names and a number if one with your names is taken. You don’t want to email schools asking questions with very unofficial emails. A linkedIn account is important because you will be able to connect with people in a more professional way over this platform. You can connect with current students in the universities and even Admissions Officers. Connecting with them means you can even have conversations with them asking questions about specific aspects of the college application process.