The worst that can happen to one when opening college decisions is a rejection. That moment when you do not see the word “congratulations” or fail to see some colorful confetti popping on your screen may throw you completely off guard. At that moment, all you will be thinking about is the rejection, the mistakes you may have made during the application and even second guessing yourself. For some people, it may even feel like that is the end of their educational journey. In actual sense, that is not always the end of the journey, but rather part of it.


After being rejected, motivational quotes are the last thing you want to hear at that point. Well, for some people that may work, but for most people, at the very first moment when they realize they have been rejected, that will not be what they actually want. I think it is best if you take some time for yourself and allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come with a rejection. It is okay to feel sad and angry about it. Allowing yourself to feel the emotions is very important because that way, the emotions won’t bottle up and get you to a breaking point.

Treat this process of healing from a rejection as though you are healing from some sort of grief, and go through all the necessary stages.


It is important to realize that rejection has nothing to do with you. It does not reflect  on your personal capabilities or worth. On the contrary, the schools do not think you are not good enough. They deem you as an incredible and amazing student. The only problem is that they could not accept everyone who applied. Every year, thousands and thousands of students apply, but schools accept a very small class size due to limited facilities. Reaffirm yourself that you are good enough, and that it has nothing to do with you, but them. Do this over and over again, until you move on from it.


Find a support system during that low moment of your life. It could be family, friends or random people on the internet. A strong support system will help you get past this. If you are the type of person that talks, talk through it with someone you want. It will make you feel better and relieved of some sad emotions. Remember, you have every right to choose the kind of support system you want. It does not have to be family. You can choose whoever you want to lean on for support. It does not have to be your family. Feel free to seek help outside. Sometimes someone who is not family may end up being more useful than you would think.


As you seek help from other people, you could also help yourself by doing a few things that will distract you from thinking about the rejection for sometime. Go out with friends, watch movies, eat good food, listen to some good music, read a book and so on. Just do something you love. Something that will make you forget about the rejection for a moment.

We take lessons from rejections. They are not supposed to be considered failures, but rather life experiences that gave you lessons. Therefore, once you have gotten over it, dust yourself off, pick up yourself and move on!