Below is a list of documents that you need for the US college application process. Each document is followed with a brief explanation.
  1. An official high school transcript– this is a document that shows one’s grades throughout high school. Because it is an official document, it should be stamped, signed by a school official, for instance the dean of studies or principal, and it should have the school’s letterhead. It is important to remember that this document is submitted by your school guidance counselor on the recommender section of the common app.
  2. Senior high school leaving examination result slip– if you have completed high school, it is important to submit an official copy of your senior high school leaving examination.
  3. A high school leaving certificate– this is an official document that highlights the extra curricular activities a student took part in together with his or her conduct. This document is not required for submission by most schools and it is optional to submit it.
  4. National Identity Card– this is important when you are going to take any standardized test because it is used as a form of identification. If you do not have one, you can use a passport, and if you lack both, there is a form provided by the college board that you can fill.
  5. Letters of recommendation– the number required mostly ranges from two to four. It is important to have at least three letters of recommendation with one being from a school counselor. If you do not have a school counselor, you can use a class teacher or any other teacher. It is advisable to have at least one recommendation from a sciences teacher and another from a humanities teacher.
  6. Financial documents: tax returns– if you and/or your parents file taxes, it is important to have these documents ready, as they may be required to determine your financial aid award if you are accepted into a school. Tax returns are often provided by the official revenue authority in a country. In cases where the tax returns are nil, then you will be asked by your school to submit a non-tax filer statement. This will be used to determine your financial aid award in place of tax returns.
  7. Financial documents: bank statements– these are important financial documents required to determine a student’s financial aid award. You should ask your parents in advance to collect these bank statements for you. If they do not transact over banks, then they can request for statements from the mobile electronic money transfer services they use.
  8. Financial documents: statement from employer– in cases where your parents do not have bank statements or tax returns, then your school may or may not request you to submit a statement from your parents employer. In an event where you are asked to submit such a document, ask your parents to request his or her employer to write and sign the statement for submission.
  9. Financial documents: support letter– this document is often required on very rare occasions. In cases where a student is required to have their non-custodial parent submit a CSS profile and they are not in touch with their non-custodial parent, a student can request to fill a non-custodial parent CSS profile waiver form. When submitting, this form should be accompanied with a support letter from a teacher, family doctor or clergy member who can verify that everything said in the form is true. You should preferably find someone who is very familiar with your family situation to write you a support letter.
  10. Passport– this is an important travel document required to study from the US. it will not only serve as a form of identification, but it will also be required when applying for your student visa. It is therefore important to apply for your passport as early as possible and have it ready when it is needed. If you have a passport that is about to expire, then you should renew it so that it is valid during your entire period of studies.


All the Mention Documents are important in adding a successful Application